Alan instinctively knows how to structure discussions, workshops and conferences to make the most of everyone’s valuable time.

His focus on solutions drives creative thinking, engagement, and practical action.

Alan instinctively knows how to structure discussions, workshops and conferences to make the most of everyone’s valuable time.

His focus on solutions drives creative thinking, engagement, and practical action.

Virtual Events

Online platforms overcome time, distance and costs. They can bring the sharpest minds to your events. They have extraordinary convening power and, in the right hands, bring a crucial focus on actions and solutions.

Alan  has embraced online platforms. He can design and deliver online events from focus groups to conferences for hundreds of delegates. He can bring digital workshops to life using the full range of interactive tools.

From ‘5 min provocations’ to networking, workshops, keynote talks, plenaries, panel discussions and digital expo booths, Alan knows what works (and what doesn’t) for each audience. From inception, to design, briefing, rehearsals and delivery he can help you deliver an enjoyable and productive event.

Hybrid Events

Alan recognises virtual events are here to stay and that hybrid events combining a live, on site experience with a virtual event will be the next step. This allows an online and virtual audience to engage and interact during the event itself, no matter where they might be.

Once again, understanding how to design and facilitate these events is the key. Alan is excited by the possibilities this opens up.


The way we engage with our work is changing.

Alan specialises in interactive event reports focused on solutions. Participants can easily navigate around topics, view video clips from speakers and search links to build greater understanding.

Alan and his team produce detailed and immediate mind maps from events delivered to participants within minutes of the event closing. This visual tool is an intuitive, instant resource for all.

Film content is central to our events. Video clips revolutionise workshop selection. Keynote recordings help preparation, stimulate research, encourage reflection and offer a wealth of follow up opportunities.


Alan works with illustrators, film makers and other creatives to help communicate messages in a fun and inspiring way.

Illustration by Evie Grace Caldwell.

Social Entrepreneur

Alan has worked alongside communities, charities and social enterprises all of his working life. He has helped to establish over 70 Community Development Trusts, published best practice guides for national organisations and led training sessions to build entrepreneurial skills.

He has helped local communities to prepare strategies for their future, business plans for their inspirational projects and secure funding to make things happen.

Alan was a founding member of the Comrie Development Trust and a lead on the successful community buyout of Cultybraggan Army Camp. He organises Comrie Conversations, launched in 2013 to promote community discussion on issues of importance for the future of Scotland.


In recent years, Alan has worked directly on large scale development projects. He has gained a deep understanding of what drives this industry and the importance of community, legacy and social value in any new place.

People are looking for a better way of life that is healthier for them, their families, their community and the planet. The world is changing and the smart money is backing developments that recognise the importance of the global challenges we all face.

Creating places where we work, stay and play need an enlightened approach. One that understands the opportunities and value (social and financial) in embracing a green future.